
Nicolás Gurdo Ph.D. Student

Fervent biotechnologist seeking to exert control over synthetic biological systems and paving the way towards accurate, high-throughput microbial metabolomics.

About Me

Passionate about biology since my childhood, I started to study Biotechnology in the University of San Martín (Argentina) in 2010. I acquired a solid background in several fields such as Biological Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics and Microbiology. Before obtaining my degree, I performed 2-years of full-time research working as M.Sc. student in the Fermentative Process Laboratory at the Biotechnology Research Institute (Argentina). I focused on the production of bioethanol using robust yeasts obtained by a combination of random, chemical mutagenesis, genetic engineering and adaptive evolution laboratory. After finishing my M.Sc. Thesis (2016), I had the opportunity to work in two companies (pharmaceutical and agro-industrial) in Argentina to expand my horizons and scientific interests. During this stage of strengthening, I learnt about applications of metabolic engineering, bioprocess and strain development in an actual industrial setup. My core ambition is to apply the scientific knowledge I gathered over 5 years of working with robust microorganisms for the rational design of superior biocatalysts that could have an impact in promoting the development of a circular bio-economy.